


Bhubaneswar,Khurda Odisha

# Reference Number Date Subject From To ENCL-1 ENCL-2
1 16851 Fscw 2022-11-09 1st Phase allotment of District wise Kharif Crop Target during KMS 2022-23 in favour of OSCSC Ltd. Special Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
2 565MD Oscsc 2022-11-07 Custom Miller to deposit one time security for execution of Agreement in KMS 2022-23. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CCSO/CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
3 8965 Labour & ESI 2022-10-31 Extraordinary Odisha Gazette Notification No.3112 Dt. 31.10.22 "The Factories (Odisha Amendment)Act,2020 Addl. Secretary, Labour & ESI Dept, Odisha. Odisha Gazette Notification
4 15574 Oscsc 2022-10-28 Release of payment to miller whose stocks are found BRL/beyond FSSAI by GoI. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. The CCSO/CSO-cum-District Manager, OSCSC Ltd, Bargarh, Bolangir, Cuttack, Deogarh, Jharsuguda, Khordha, Kalahandi, Kendrapara, Puri & Sambalpur.
5 16092 Fscw 2022-10-27 Undertaking of training & awareness programme for Custom Millers in the Districts on Rice Fortification. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Chief CSOs/CSOs, OSCSC Ltd.
6 Oscsc 2022-10-26 Operational Guidelines for KMS 2022-23. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Collectors.
7 15469 Oscsc 2022-10-26 Format of Agreement with Custom Millers for KMS 2022-23. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Chief CSOs/CSOs, OSCSC Ltd.
8 9296 Co-Op Dept 2022-10-06 Revival of Odisha Agricultural Produce Markets Act, 1956 after lapse of Odisha Agricultural Produce and Livestock (Promotion and Facilitation) Ordinance,2020. Addl. Secretary, Cooperation Dept, Odisha. Director, Agricultural Marketing,Odisha.
9 14957 Fscw 2022-10-01 Food and Procurement Policy for KMS 2022-23. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
10 15-35/2020.Py.III GOI 2022-04-18 Red Colour Coding of Gunny Bags for KMS 2022-23 to facilitate identification of crop year of stock. Under Secretary(Py.III) F&PD Dept, GOI, New Delhi. All Food Secretaries of States
11 QC.34(2)/2021 FCI H.Qr 2022-03-23 SOP for quality management protocols for Fortified Rice Kernels (FRK)and Fortified Rice (FR). DGM (QC), FCI Head Qrs. New Delhi. All Zonal Managers, All General Managers (Region).
12 1144 Oscsc 2022-01-20 Custody & Maintenance charges for KMS 2020-21 to be released @7/20 per quintal of paddy. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CCSO/CSO-cum-District Manager, OSCSC Ltd.
13 12072 Oscsc 2021-08-24 Important guidelines for Utilization of HDPE/PP bags for packing of CMR in KMS 2020-21. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Chief CSO/CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
14 11451 Oscsc 2021-08-16 Utilization of HDPE/PP bags for packing of CMR in KMS 2020-21. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Chief CSO/CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
15 3734 Oscsc 2021-03-08 Permission for use of once used gunny bags for packing of CMR in view of short supply of jute bags in KMS 2020-21. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Chief CSO/CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
16 647 Oscsc 2021-01-11 Bargarh District Millers participating in Jagatsinghpur dist are allowed to furnish BG with validity till 30.6.21 only. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, OSCSC Ltd, Jagatsinghpur.
17 657 Oscsc 2021-01-11 Delivery of CMR against shortage of rice detected by State Squad and payment of bills after realizing 10% of pending amount as penalty from Symbol Foods, Bhadrak district as per rate chart enclosed for KMS 2016-17. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, OSCSC Ltd, Bhadrak.
18 374 Oscsc 2021-01-07 Closure of small & unscientific godowns of OSCSC Ltd in various districts as per Annexure-A enclosed. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, OSCSC Ltd of concerned districts.
19 16382 Oscsc 2020-12-24 Supply of defective gunny bags by Jute Mill of WB during KMS 2020-21 with color coding of previous KMS 2019-20. Letter from CSO, Jajpur enclosed. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Dy. Jute Commissioner, GOI, Kolkata.
20 16361 Oscsc 2020-12-24 Payment of full mandi handling charges to Bargarh district Millers for KMS 2018-19 & 2019-20 as decided in 191st Meeting of Board of Directors held on 2.12.20. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, OSCSC Ltd, Bargarh.
21 16088 Oscsc 2020-12-22 Fixation of rates of procurement incidentals of Custom Milled Rice for KMS 2020-21 - Notes and Proposals enclosed. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
22 15822 Oscsc 2020-12-17 Participation of Raw Rice Mills in Boiled consuming districts allowed subject to 100 percent delivery of CMR to FCI during KMS 2020-21. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. The Chief CSO/CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd, Bolangir, Jharsuguda, Kalahandi, Nuapada & Sambalpur.
23 13608 Oscsc 2020-11-04 Bargarh & Sambalpur Millers allowed to deliver balance CMR of KMS 2019-20 in local procured once used gunny bags at the Rate of Rs.22 per pc. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. The Chief CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd, Bargarh & Sambalpur.
24 13614 Oscsc 2020-11-04 Participation of Bargarh & Sambalpur Millers in KMS 2020-21 against deposit of 100 percent cost of paddy equivalent to balance CMR due for KMS 2019-20. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. The Chief CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd, Bargarh & Sambalpur.
25 13529 Oscsc 2020-11-03 RTI Reply - Proceeding of 190th Meeting of Board of Directors of OSCSC Ltd held on 24.8.2020 attached. Company Secretary-cum-P.I.O., OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Santosh Kumar Agrawal
26 13443 Oscsc 2020-11-02 Payment of Custody & Maintenance Changes for 3 months at the rate of Rs.2.40 per quintal per month to Custom Millers for KMS 2019-20. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
27 14939 Fscw 2020-10-29 FOOD & PROCUREMENT POLICY FOR KMS 2020-21. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
28 14955 Fscw 2020-10-29 District wise 1st Phase Kharif target for KMS 2020-21. Additional Secretary, FS&CW Department, Odisha. All Collectors.
29 13372 Oscsc 2020-10-29 OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR KMS 2020-21. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Chief CSO/CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
30 14892 Fscw 2020-10-28 Extension of period for delivery of CMR of KMS 2019-20 till 20-11-2020 by GOI - GOI extension letter attached. Additional Secretary, FS&CW Department, Odisha. All Collectors.
31 13760 Fscw 2020-09-29 In the matter of letter from AORMA reg Non-payment of dues to Millers Account. Under Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
32 8-2/2020-S&I GOI 2020-09-28 Uniform Specifications KMS 2020-21 of Paddy - Rice etc. Deputy Commissioner (S & R), F&PD Dept, GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, All State Governments.
33 46 Gazette Notification GOI 2020-09-27 Gazette Notification on "The Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act,2020. Ministry of Law and Justice, GOI, New Delhi Gazette Notification of GOI
34 11835 Oscsc 2020-09-24 Use of once used gunny for packing of CMR on priority as permission granted till 30-9-2020 by GOI. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Chief CSO and CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
35 11660 Oscsc 2020-09-22 Provisional rates for Reimbursement of TC to Custom Millers for distance beyond 8 KM for Paddy and Rice for KMS 2019-20. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Chief CSO/CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
36 11489 Oscsc 2020-09-16 Tender for selection of transport contractors for paddy and rice in KMS 2020-21. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
37 10937 Oscsc 2020-08-31 RTI Reply - Copy of proceeding of 183rd Board Meeting of OSCSC Ltd held on 15.11.2018 attached. Company Secretary-cum-P.I.O., OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Santosh Kumar Agrawal
38 10568 Oscsc 2020-08-24 Tagging of mills to Mandies and RRCs - Payment of transport charges to Custom Millers on Paddy and Rice. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
39 10351 Oscsc 2020-08-18 Dateline for 100 percent delivery of CMR by the Millers for KMS 2019-20. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
40 10014 Oscsc 2020-08-07 Rate of local handling -transportation on movement of CMR by Rake from Bargarh to Cuttack. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, OSCSC Ltd, Bargarh/Cuttack.
41 9420 Oscsc 2020-07-23 Oscsc submission on arrangements for procurement during the ensuing KMS 2020-21 - Information attached. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Additional Secretary (Proc), FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
42 8990 Oscsc 2020-07-09 UOI Note forwarding information reg district wise paddy procurement from KMS 2010-11 to 2019-20 - Information attached. General Manager (Proc), OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. OSD (Accounts), OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
43 7921 Oscsc 2020-06-12 Red Color coding of new bags for stocks of KMS 2020-21. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
44 7876 Oscsc 2020-06-11 Refund of Security Deposit to Custom Miller participated in Other District for KMS 2019-20. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
45 7878 Oscsc 2020-06-11 Payment of gunny usage charges to custom millers for KMS 2019-20 against submission of a Declaration. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
46 7613 Oscsc 2020-06-05 Refund of Security Deposit to the Custom Millers for KMS-2019-20. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
47 7615 Oscsc 2020-06-05 Rate of used gunny bags for packing of rice fixed by GOI at Rs.22 per bag - Revision of PCS for KMS 2019-20. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
48 8513 Fscw 2020-05-28 Requirement of gunny bags for packing of CMR - permission for use of HDPE/PP bags procured through GeM. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Food & Public Distribution Dept, GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
49 6732 Oscsc 2020-05-18 Revision of storage tariff wef 1.4.2017 of CWC/OSWC godowns at par with FCI @Rs.5.21 per 50 kg bag per month in respect of Storage Capacity. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
50 6530 Oscsc 2020-05-14 Release of Funds through OBMS towards Millers dues and entering payment released data in OBMS by district offices Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
51 6196 Oscsc 2020-05-07 Revised guidelines for eligibility of millers for participation in Rabi Procurement of KMS 2019-20 - Revised guidelines attached. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager of Rabi Procurement districts, OSCSC Ltd.
52 341/MD Oscsc 2020-05-05 Permission granted by GOI for use of Once Used Gunny Bags for procurement of Rice - GOI permission letter attached. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
53 15-14/2020-Py.III GOI 2020-05-05 GOI letter granting permission for use of used gunny bags for Paddy and Rice in view of situation arising out of Covid-19 pandemic. Director (FCACs), Food & Public Distribution Dept, GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
54 6027 Oscsc 2020-05-04 Eligibility of millers for participation in Rabi Procurement of KMS 2019-20 - Guidelines attached. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager of Rabi Procurement districts, OSCSC Ltd.
55 5916 Oscsc 2020-04-30 Issue of Tender Call Notice in daily newspaper on transportation of Paddy and Rice - Format of Notice attached. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
56 5791 Oscsc 2020-04-28 Procurement of once used gunny bags from FPS Dealers for packing of CMR due to non supply of new bags by Jute Commissioner. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
57 5506 Oscsc 2020-04-22 Release of Adhoc Procurement incidentals to Custom Millers for KMS 2019-20. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
58 5197 Oscsc 2020-04-16 Stock and Receivable Statement of OSCSC Ltd as on 31-3-2020. Chief General Manager (Finance), OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Concerned Bankers.
59 276/MD Oscsc 2020-04-11 Permission granted for utilization of left over new gunnies of Kms 2018-19 for CMR of Kms 2019-20. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
60 192(26)/2019-FC A/cs (369643) 2020-04-07 PROVISIONAL RATES OF CMR FOR GOVT OF ODISHA during KMS 2019-20 Director, Food & Public Distribution Dept, GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
61 3546_1 Oscsc 2020-03-02 Updation of Storage capacity of Depots in SCMS - Updated list of Storage Depots as on 1-3-2020. General Manager (PDS), OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar General Manager (Tech), OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
62 2024 Oscsc 2020-02-06 Preparation of Prov Cost Sheet for KMS 2019-20 and clarification reg Minimum wages for handling operations Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Under Secretary, FC A/Cs, Food & Public Distribution Dept, GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
63 1910 Oscsc 2020-02-05 Excessive borrowing from banks and higher interest burden on such bank availed for paddy procurement operations. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
64 482 Oscsc 2020-01-08 Payment of Mandi Lbr Chg to Bargarh Millers - No Muster Roll required if labour from Mandi is engaged. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, OSCSC Ltd, Bargarh.
65 152 Oscsc 2020-01-03 Sri Bani Prasad Acharya is engaged as OSD-Accounts wef 2-1-20 to 31-12-2020 Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Office Order
66 19586 Oscsc 2019-12-30 Increase in lot size from 27 MT to 29 MT for delivery of CMR to FCI for enhancing capacity utilization. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
67 19031 Oscsc 2019-12-19 Requisition for Custody Maintenance charges for KMS 2018-19 to be made in the final bill-supplementary bill and NOT in monthly bills, Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
68 19660 Fscw 2019-12-16 RTI Reply - Copy of Oscsc L.No.482/MD Dt.17.11.2018 - Proposal for revision in the cost of TC for both Paddy & Rice payable to Millers for KMS 2017-18 & 2018-19. Under Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Santosh Kumar Agrawal
69 18639 Oscsc 2019-12-13 Payment of Custody Maintenance Charges for KMS 2018-19 for 3 months on paddy Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
70 17675 Oscsc 2019-11-30 Delivery of resultant CMR due of KMS 2019-20 shall start within 07 days of lifting of paddy failing which, further paddy shall not be delivered. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO, Bargarh-Bolangir-Kalahandi-Nuapada-Sambalpur and Subarnapur.
71 16260 Oscsc 2019-11-06 Discontinuation of Handling operations at PEG Godowns by the Lessors and assigning the same to the appointed Handling Contractors. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
72 16184 Oscsc 2019-11-04 Final extension of period for delivery of CMR of KMS 2018-19 allowed upto 15.11.19 by GOI. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
73 15555 Oscsc 2019-10-23 Format of agreement with Custom Miller for KMS 2019-20. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
74 32550 R&DM 2019-10-23 List of State Government Holidays for the Calendar Year 2020 in Odisha. Joint Secretary, R&DM Dept, Odisha. NOTIFICATION.
75 32559 R&DM 2019-10-23 List of Bank Holidays for the Calendar Year 2020 in Odisha. Joint Secretary, R&DM Dept, Odisha. NOTIFICATION.
76 15235 Oscsc 2019-10-18 OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR KMS 2019-20. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
77 8-2/2019-S&I GOI 2019-09-27 Uniform Specifications KMS 2019-20 of Paddy - Rice etc. Deputy Commissioner (S & R), F&PD Dept, GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
78 13624 Oscsc 2019-09-19 Revised procedure for processing of bills of Custom Millers through OBMS. General Manager (Accounts), OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
79 13139 Oscsc 2019-09-11 Prudent delivery of CMR during Sept and October,19 at RRCs and to FCI by Custom Millers during current KMS 2018-19. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
80 12514 Fscw 2019-08-21 Integration of eVahan API for verification of vehicle details. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Additional Secretary, Commerce & Transport Dept, Odisha.
81 11779 Oscsc 2019-08-17 Uniform Specification of Paddy, Rice and Coarse grains for MKS 2019-20 - Comments - Suggestions - Reg. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
82 9907 Oscsc 2019-07-12 Blue color coding of new gunny bags of crop year of stock for KMS 2019-20. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
83 8437 Oscsc 2019-06-13 Inordinate detention of vehicles of Millers of other districts for delivery of CMR at designated depot. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
84 8415 Oscsc 2019-06-12 Request for seeking extension of the period for delivery of CMR for KMS 2018-19. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
85 7499 Oscsc 2019-05-27 Submission of details of Vendors registered under MSME Development Act,2006. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd.
86 7323 Oscsc 2019-05-22 Payment of Custody & Maintenance Charges to Custom Millers for KMS 2018-19 for 2 months as per PCS of last KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
87 6880 Oscsc 2019-05-13 Submission of Report reg damage/loss of Paddy and CMR during Cyclone-FANI and rates of paddy and CMR to prefer claim to Insurance Company by the miller for KMS 2018-19. General Manager (Accounts), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Cuttack.
88 6644 Oscsc 2019-05-09 Economic Cost of Parboiled and Raw Rice of KMS 2018-19 as fixed by GOI. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Director, ST & SC Development Dept, Bhubaneswar.
89 6354 Oscsc 2019-04-29 Rates of transportation charges for KMS 2018-19 to be paid to Custom Millers for both Paddy and Rice covering distance of more than 100 KMs. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
90 6356 Oscsc 2019-04-29 Reimbursement of GST on Milling Charges on monthly basis pending verification from GST Portal in subsequent month. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
91 6358 Oscsc 2019-04-29 Payment of Handling charges at Rs.4 for CMR delivered at RRCs during KMS 2018-19 in selected districts where handling contractors are not in operation. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSOs of Bargarh, Kalahandi, Subarnpur, Cuttack & Jagatsinghpur.
92 6360 Oscsc 2019-04-29 Payment of Mandi Labour Charges for KMS 2018-19 and maintenance of muster roll by Custom Millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
93 6163 Oscsc 2019-04-25 Mandi Labour charges for KMS 2018-19. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
94 4484 Oscsc 2019-03-26 Rates of Transportation charges of Paddy & CMR for KMS 2018-19. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
95 3610 Oscsc 2019-03-08 Reimbursement of toll gate charges to Custom Millers for KMS 2018-19 on transportation of Paddy and CMR. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
96 3461 Oscsc 2019-03-07 Payment of Handling Charges on delivery of Rice at RRC prior to functioning of Handling Contrator. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Ganjam.
97 2997 Fscw 2019-02-18 Clarification that Khariff paddy procurement operations will continue till Government purchases the entire paddy from the farmers. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. The Collectors of 19 districts.
98 2851 Fscw 2019-02-13 Closure of kharif paddy procurement in remaining 19 districts by 28.2.19. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. The Collectors of 19 districts.
99 2343 Oscsc 2019-02-13 Submission of details of Vendors registered under MSME Development Act,2006. FA & CAO, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
100 1041 Oscsc 2019-01-22 Release of procurement incidentals to custom millers for KMS 2018-19 on adhoc basis. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
101 1002 Oscsc 2019-01-22 Revision of Gunny Usages Charges for KMS 2017-18. OSD (FM & CA), Oscsc Ltd. Bhubaneswar. Under Secretary to GOI, F&PD Dept, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
102 19223 Oscsc 2018-12-17 Security norms of defaulting Custom Millers for KMS 2018-19 and afterwards after regularization. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
103 19145 Oscsc 2018-12-14 Clarification on payment of Paddy and Rice TC beyound 100 KM for minimum 100 KM or actual whichever is higher for KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
104 18656 Oscsc 2018-12-04 Guidelines to be followed for release of Mandi Handling Operation to Millers for KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc ltd, Keonjhar.
105 18598 Oscsc 2018-12-03 Security norms for defaulting Custom Miller after regularisation. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc ltd, Cuttack.
106 192(19)/2018-FC A/Cs GOI 2018-12-03 Provisional Rates of CMR for Govt of Odisha for KMS 2018-19. Under Secretary, F&PD Dept, GOI, New Delhi. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Govt of Odisha, Bhubaneswar.
107 18417 Oscsc 2018-11-29 Dateline for delivery of Kharif CMR due for KMS 2018-19 will be 15.7.2019. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
108 18208 Oscsc 2018-11-22 Custody and Maintenance charges for KMS 2017-18 will not be paid to Millers unless agreement for KMS 2018-19 is executed. General Manager (Procurement), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
109 17985 Oscsc 2018-11-17 Clarification Reg Payment of Mandi Handling Charges for KMS 2018-19 as per DLPC decision. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Bargarh.
110 17536 Oscsc 2018-11-09 Operational Guidelines for KMS 2018-19. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
111 17550 Oscsc 2018-11-09 Settlement of Accounts of Custom Millers for KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
112 474-MD Oscsc 2018-11-06 Payment of Custody and Maintenance charges for 3 months for KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
113 17378 Oscsc 2018-11-05 Custom Milling Agreement for KMS 2018-19. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
114 17385 Oscsc 2018-11-05 Clarification on TDS on GST w.e.f. 1st October,2018. FA&CAO, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
115 17371 Oscsc 2018-11-05 Agreement with Secretary, PACs for Procurementof Paddy on behalf of OSCSC Ltd during KMS 2018-19. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
116 464-MD Oscsc 2018-10-27 Changes in Operational Guideline for Paddy Procurement during KMS 2018-19 compared to earlier KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Collectors.
117 16884 Oscsc 2018-10-26 Norms for Utilization of OSWC and CWC godowns on expiry of Guarantee Period. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
118 16928 Oscsc 2018-10-26 Inspection of Mill Premises and authentication of Milling Capacity. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
119 16869 Oscsc 2018-10-25 Reimbursement of GST on Milling Charges to the Custom Millers - Revised guidelines. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
120 16867 Oscsc 2018-10-25 Payment of Gunny usage charges - Simplification of process thereof. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
121 20139 Fscw 2018-10-25 Allotment of District wise 1st phase of Kharif target for KMS 2018-19. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
122 16864 Oscsc 2018-10-25 Payment of TC at Revised rates to Ganjam Millers who have delivered CMR by 31.10.17 for KMS 2016-17. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Ganjam
123 19886 Fscw 2018-10-20 Khariff Paddy procrement time will be from 1.11.18 to 30.4.19 and not 1.4.19 as mentioned by mistake in the Food Policy. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
124 19856 Fscw 2018-10-15 Furnishing of willingness by rice millers for participation in paddy procurement (khariff)during KMS 2018-19. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
125 16536 Oscsc 2018-10-12 Proposed changes in Operational Guidelines for Paddy Procurement in KMS 2018-19. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
126 16542 Oscsc 2018-10-12 Clarification that TDS under GST will be applicable for only Taxable Goods or Services. FA&CAO, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
127 19515 Fscw 2018-10-10 Timeline for delivery of CMR of Khariff crop during KMS 2018-19. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
128 16434 Oscsc 2018-10-10 Storage capacity available with State Govt for storage of central pool stock as on Sept,2018. General Manager(Tech), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. AGM Storage, FCI, RO, Bhubaneswar.
129 16418 Oscsc 2018-10-10 TDS on GST w.e.f. 1st October,2018 FA&CAO, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
130 16133 Oscsc 2018-10-05 Clarification on payment of Mandi Handling Charges - In the absence of any decision by DLPC, approval of the Collector may be obtained. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Jajpur.
131 18745 Fscw 2018-09-27 Forwarding GOI Letter and Minutes of meeting held on 28.8.18 to discuss applicability of GST on Custom Milling Charges. Joint Director, FS&CW, Odisha Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
132 18706 Fscw 2018-09-26 Food and Procurement Policy for KMS 2018-19. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
133 14714 Oscsc 2018-09-12 Payment of Custody & Maintenance Charges and reimbursement of GST on Milling charges to Custom Millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
134 17720 Fscw 2018-09-07 Tentative gradation list of CSOs on catch-up principle. Under Secreatry, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All CSOs.
135 17282 Fscw 2018-09-01 Minutes of Video Conference held on 24.8.18 (Important) Joint Director (FS), FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All CSOs.
136 17217 Fscw 2018-08-31 Check List of Preparatory Activities for Paddy Procurement during KMS 2018-19. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
137 13582 Oscsc 2018-08-20 Proposals for Fixation of rates of Procurement incidentals of CMR for KMS 2018-19. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
138 8-3/2018-S&I GOI 2018-08-18 Uniform Specifications of Paddy, Rice & Coarse Grains for KMS 2018-19. Deputy Commissioner (S&R), GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Food Secretary, All State Governments.
139 15266 Fscw 2018-08-03 Revision of rates in Prov Cost Sheet issued for KMS 2017-18. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Union Food Secretary, Dept.of Food and Public Distribution, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
140 15173 Fscw 2018-08-02 Preparation of district procurement plan for Kharif crop of KMS 2018-19. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
141 15031 Fscw 2018-07-31 Time for delivery of CMR of Khariff crop extended upto 15.8.18 for KMS 2017-18. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
142 12573 Oscsc 2018-07-31 Payment of Custody & Maintenance Charges and release of amount withheld from bills of custom millers for KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All the CSO-cum-District Managers, OSCSC Ltd.
143 14729 Fscw 2018-07-28 Issue of Delivery Certificate to millers after considering available vacant space for receipt of CMR. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All CSOs.
144 14633 Fscw 2018-07-27 Request to provide information pertaining to arrangement of old bags for packaging of procured paddy for KMS 2018-19. Addl Director(FS), FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
145 12314 Oscsc 2018-07-26 Suggestions on Uniform Specification of Paddy, Rice for KMS 2018-19. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
146 12026 Oscsc 2018-07-20 Provision to reimburse GST on Custom Milling charges Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Shri Manoj Kr Gupta, Director (FC A/cs), F&PD Dept, GOI, New Delhi.
147 11964 Oscsc 2018-07-19 GST on custom milling charges. FA & CAO, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
148 13757 Fscw 2018-07-12 Registration of Millers for Export of Rice to China. Joint Director (FS), FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
149 13566 Fscw 2018-07-09 Online Farmer Registration for procurement of Paddy (Kharif Crop)during the ensuing KMS 2018-19. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Odisha & All Collectors.
150 10187/CT GST 2018-07-09 GST on Custom Milling Charges Addl. Commissioner CT & GST (Policy), Cuttack. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
151 9739 Oscsc 2018-06-05 Clarification on security deposit norm for participation of Custom Millers in Rabi Paddy Procurement of KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Managers of Rabi Procuring Districts.
152 11535 Fscw 2018-06-05 Deadline for delivery of CMR for KMS 2017-18 is 31.7.18 for Khariff and 31.8.18 for Rabi Crop. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd and all other Agencies.
153 9579 Oscsc** 2018-06-02 Rates of different Procurement Incidentals to be paid the Custom Millers for KMS 2015-16, 2016-17 & 2017-18. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
154 9358 Oscsc 2018-05-30 Release of Paddy for milling basing on the security deposit norm for Rabi Paddy Procurement of KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Managers of Rabi Procuring Districts.
155 8582 Oscsc 2018-05-18 Rationalization of Transportation charges Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Joint Secretary, F&PD, GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
156 8278 Oscsc 2018-05-15 Guidelines for Rabi Paddy Procurement for KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Collectors.
157 8121 Oscsc 2018-05-11 Provision for Miller to download their Acceptance Note-cum-Analysis Report of CMR Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
158 8124 Fscw 2018-04-21 Allotment of 1st Phase Rabi Target for KMS 2017-18. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collectors of Rabi Procuring districts.
159 6787 Oscsc 2018-04-20 Guidelines on Payment of Gunny Usage Charges. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
160 7840 Fscw 2018-04-19 Fixation of procurement of paddy per acre during Rabi season of KMS 2017-18 at Q.26 for Hirakud Command and at Q.24 for all other districts. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collectors of Rabi Procuring districts.
161 5658 Oscsc 2018-04-02 Rates of TC and different Procurement Incidentals to be paid to the Custom Millers for KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
162 5857 Fscw 2018-03-21 Representations for extension of timeline for delivery of CMR (Kharif crop)of 17-18 are under consideration. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors (Except Bargarh etc).
163 4707 Oscsc 2018-03-17 Delivery of CMR (RAW) by Custom Millers only at RRCs and not to FCI for KMS 2017=18. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSOs of Raw Rice Producing Districts.
164 4507 Oscsc 2018-03-15 Adhoc Release of dues of Custom Millers on Paddy Procurement for KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
165 5070 Fscw 2018-03-12 Dateline for delivery of CMR out of Khariff Crop during KMS 2017-18 is under consideration. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collector, Bhadrak/Cuttack.
166 3963 Fscw 2018-02-22 Fixation of rates of Incidentals in Prov Economic Cost Sheet for KMS 2017-18. Chief Secretary, Odisha. Union Food Secy, Dept of F & PD, GOI, New Delhi.
167 3881 Fscw 2018-02-21 Preparation for procurement of paddy (Rabi Crop) during KMS 2017-18. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collectors of 18 Districts.
168 2385 Oscsc 2018-02-08 Constitution of a Committee for Payment of TC etc at revised rates to Custom Millers for KMS 2016-17. FA & CAO, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Office Order.
169 2350 Fscw 2018-02-03 Measures to ensure timely delivery of CMR for KMS 2017-18 Khariff Crop by 30.4.18 - Recovery of interest burden suffered by Corp from miller and concern dist official thereof. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
170 1977 Fscw 2018-01-31 Checking private sale of paddy. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
171 1707 Oscsc 2018-01-30 Non delivery of CMR by custom millers for KMS 16-17 and invoking BG/FDR and not to release of payment of bills. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-Dist Managers, Oscsc Ltd, Bhadrak,Jajpur,Koraput, Mayurbhanj, Nabrangpur and Subarnapur.
172 1264 Oscsc 2018-01-19 Payment of transportation charges on paddy for KMS 2016-17. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
173 531 Fscw 2018-01-08 Minutes of the meeting held on 22.12.17 on Levy of GST on Paddy Procurement Operations. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Commissioner of Commercial Tax, Odisha and MD, OSCSC ltd.
174 24993 Fscw 2017-12-08 Reduction of miller paddy target by 10% for failure in sending Rice Delivery SMS in time. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collector, Bargarh.
175 20357 Oscsc 2017-11-30 Explanation called for not verifying Genuineness of BG which was found fake. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Jharsuguda.
176 20230 Oscsc 2017-11-29 Considering acceptance of payment by cheque towards CMR handling operations upto dumping at FCI depots. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. General Manager, FCI, Odisha Region, Bhubaneswar.
177 20064 Oscsc 2017-11-27 Delivery of Paddy strictly as per security norms and to stop further Delivery of Paddy if CMR delivery not started within 7 days. General Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
178 19994 Oscsc 2017-11-25 3 Lease hold mills of Cooperation Dept in Bargarh Dist are allowed security norms at par with other millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Collector, Bargarh.
179 24064 Fscw 2017-11-25 Status of Procurement of paddy and CMR delivery for KMS 2016-17 - Taking follow up action for early realization of due CMR. Additional Director (FS), FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
180 24088 Fscw 2017-11-25 Minutes of review meeting held on 21-11-17 at Fscw Conf hall. Joint Director (FS), FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd and Other Agencies.
181 19916 Oscsc 2017-11-24 Assessment of Storage Gap and present storage capacity with Oscsc as on 28-10-17. General Manager (Tech), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. General Manager (Proc), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
182 23917 Fscw 2017-11-22 Minutes of meeting on review of procurement related issues held on 16-11-17 at Oscsc Board Room. Joint Director (FS), FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
183 23696 Fscw 2017-11-21 Alternative Plan for procurement operations in view of strike by PACS/LAMPCS Secretaries. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
184 4031(66) OSAM Board 2017-11-21 Forwarding FCSW L.No.23696 Dt.21.11.17 Reg- Alternative plan for paddy procurement in view of strike by PACS Secretaries. General Manager, OSAM Board, Bhubaneswar. All the Chairpersons-Secretaries of RMCs in the State.
185 19370 Oscsc 2017-11-20 All CSO are requested not to insist on two millers as guarantors at the time of agreement for KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
186 19407 Oscsc 2017-11-20 Clarification regarding utilization of gunny for CMR delivered by Custom Millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. The CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Subarnapur
187 5233 CSO-Kalahandi 2017-11-18 Quality analysis of paddy for determination of equivalent FAQ Paddy from Non FAQ Paddy. Collector, Kalahandi. DRCS, Kalahandi & ARCS, Bhawanipatna-Dharamgarh.
188 23153 Fscw 2017-11-15 Request for views on levy of GST on the charges payable to Rice Millers for Custom Milling of Rice. Joint Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
189 23140 Fscw 2017-11-14 Minutes of the State Level Procurement Committee meeting held on 26.10.17 under Chairmanship of Chief Secretary. Joint Director (FS), FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All RDC and others.
190 22681 Fscw 2017-11-08 GOI declined to accept request from Odisha Govt for revision of usage charges of gunny fixed for packing of procured paddy for KMS 2017-18. Addl. Director, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
191 18357 Oscsc 2017-11-03 Clarification on Rates of Incidentals payable to Custom Millers for KMS 2016-17. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Sambalpur.
192 16099 Commercial Tax 2017-11-02 Levy of GST on the charges payable to Rice Millers for custom milling of rice. Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, Odisha, Cuttack. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
193 22019 Fscw 2017-11-01 Extension of period for delivery of CMR of KMS 2016-17 allowed by GOI upto 30-11-2017. Joint Secy, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
194 192(13)/2017 GOI 2017-11-01 Provisional rates of Custom Milled Rice for KMS 2017-18. Under Secy, DOF&PD, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
195 18146 Oscsc 2017-10-31 Blue color coding of gunny bags for KMS 2017-18 as per GOI letter Dt. 25-10-17. Chief General Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All the CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
196 17879 Oscsc 2017-10-27 Format of Agreement with Custom Millers for KMS 2017-18. General Manager (Proc), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
197 17903 Oscsc 2017-10-27 Participation of other district miller in deficit milling capacity districts for KMS 2017-18. General Manager (Proc) Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Collectors.
198 21750 Fscw 2017-10-27 Allotment of Tentative Target (1st Phase)for KMS 2017-18 (Kharif). Joint Secy, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
199 21203 Fscw 2017-10-24 Request to GOI for extension of time for CMR delivery by one month i.e. upto 30-11-17 for KMS 2016-17. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Joint Secretary (Policy & FCI), GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
200 21228 Fscw 2017-10-24 Timeline for delivery of CMR relating to Khariff Crop for KMS 2017-18 allowed in advance till 30-9-18 by GOI. Joint Director, FS&CW, Odisha All Collectors.
201 17557 Oscsc 2017-10-23 Major Changes in Operational Guidelines for KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Collectors.
202 17363 Oscsc 2017-10-21 Payment of Transport charges on Paddy for Cross district movement in KMS 2016-17. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All the CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
203 17365 Oscsc 2017-10-21 Payment of Gunny Depreciation to Custom Millers @Rs.20.53 for KMS 2016-17. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All the CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
204 16645 Oscsc 2017-10-09 Proceeding of the consultative meeting held on 23.9.17 for Operational Guidelines of KMS 2017-18. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept. Odisha.
205 18300 Fscw 2017-09-13 Food and Procurement Policy for KMS 2017-18. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
206 15273 Oscsc 2017-09-08 Rates of transportation finalized for the year 1017-19 through tender process. General Manager (PDS) Oscsc Ltd. Bhubaneswar. General Manager (Accts) Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
207 17324 Fscw 2017-09-04 Extension of period by GOI for delivery of CMR of Kharif paddy during KMS 2016-17 upto 30.9.2017. Joint Secy, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
208 16443 Fscw 2017-08-21 Extension of deadline for delivery of CMR to Central Pool for KMS 2016-17 upto 31-10-2017. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Joint Secretary (P & FCI), GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
209 13970 Oscsc 2017-08-19 Payment of Transportation charges to Millers as per approved distance - Recovery of excess payment made in earlier years, if any. General Manager(Accounts), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-Cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
210 13994 Oscsc 2017-08-19 Handling Charges on rice for handling operation at RRCs for KMS 2016-17 - No payment to millers w.e.f. date of engagement of handling contractors. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-Cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
211 8-2/2017-S&I GOI 2017-08-16 Uniform Specifications of Paddy, Rice and Coarse Grains for KMS 2017-18. Deputy Commissioner (S&R), FPD Dept, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Secretary, F&CS, All State Governments, UTs.
212 13244 Oscsc 2017-08-04 Payment of Mandi Handling Operation at Paddy Purchase Centers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-Cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
213 15382 Fscw 2017-08-03 Extension of CMR delivery time for KMS 2016-17 Khariff crop by GOI upto 31-8-2017. Joint Secretary, Fscw Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
214 15268 Fscw 2017-08-02 Proceeding of the meeting on entitlements of mandi labour charges and modalities for claim bills by millers and PAC. Joint Director-Cum-Dy Secretary, Fscw Dept, Odisha. Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Odisha and MD, Oscsc Ltd & Others.
215 15084 Fscw 2017-07-31 Minutes of meeting Chaired by Union Food Secretary at New Delhi on 14-6-17 Reg-Study on revision of milling charges etc. Joint Director-Cum-Dy Secretary, Fscw Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
216 12739 Oscsc 2017-07-29 Conditions for payment of Revised Rates of Incidentals for KMS 2015-16 for settlement of bills of Custom Millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-Cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
217 12694 Oscsc 2017-07-28 Approved Prudent Plan for delivery and movement of CMR. General Manager(PDS), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-Cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
218 9759 Oscsc 2017-06-12 UOI Note on appointment of Handling Contractors at RRCs and discontinuation of payment @4/- handling Charges to custom millers. GM (PDS), Oscsc Ltd. Bhubaneswar. GM(Proc) and GM(Accts) , Oscsc Ltd.
219 9473 Oscsc 2017-06-07 District wise Delivery and Movement Plan of CMR for the KMS 2016-17 GM (PDS), Oscsc Ltd. Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
220 8926 Oscsc 2017-05-30 Insurance of stock of Paddy, Gunny Bags & Rice of OSCSC for KMS 2016-17 by Custom Millers. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
221 7552 Oscsc 2017-05-08 Meeting of the Committee for suggesting minimum number of reports & returns. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Addl. Director, FS and others.
222 7148 Oscsc 2017-05-01 Guidelines for participation of custom millers in Rabi Season of KMS 2016-17. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Collectors of 19 districts.
223 OJC 8246-1995 High Court 2017-04-24 RMC Matter - Judgement of Odisha High Court in O.J.C. No.8246 of 1995 - Collection of market fee by RMCs at respective check gates are contrary to the legal provisions. The Honble Dr. Justice D.P.Choudhury Certified copy of Judgement.
224 6982 Fscw 2017-04-06 Guidelines for appeal against rejection of Rice in RRC-OSWC-CWC-PEG Godowns. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
225 33959 EPFO-Delhi 2017-03-22 Notification Dt.15-3-17 Ref - Reduction in rate of Administrative chgs and non-levy of admin chgs towards EDLI. Regional P.F. Commissioner-I (F&A), New Delhi. All ACCs and RPCs.
226 332 OSAM Board 2017-01-30 Levy of Market fee and grant of Money Receipt - Collecting the Market Fee at Check Points should come to end forthwith. Member Secretary, Osam Board, Bhubaneswar. The Secretary of All RMCs in the State.
227 21385 Oscsc 2016-12-21 Delivery of CMR of KMS 2016-17 to only FCI till utilization of CMR of KMS 2015-16 with RRCs. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-Dist. Manager, Bargarh, Bolangir, Kalahandi, Sambalpur and Subarnpur.
228 24763 Fscw 2016-12-17 Constitution of State Level Quality Control Squad for enforcement of Quality Control Mechanism. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
229 24855 Fscw 2016-12-17 Regular monthly delivery of CMR by Custom Millers. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
230 24582 Fscw 2016-12-14 Extension of period for procurement of Kharif paddy till 30.4.2017 during KMS 2016-17 for Odisha. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Joint Secretary (P & FCI), GOI, Dept of F&PD, New Delhi.
231 20633 Oscsc 2016-12-07 Payment of VAT on cost of Gunny bags supplied by miller - KMS 2015-16 on certain conditions. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
232 20515 Oscsc 2016-12-05 Construction of 12500 MT Steel Silos for storing of rice in Bhadrak & Nayagarh district. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. General Manager, FCI, Bhubaneswar.
233 20550 Oscsc 2016-12-05 Engagement of Handling Contractor for mandi handling operation at PPCs - Floating of Tenders. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All Collectors.
234 23792 Fscw 2016-12-03 Direct Fund Transfer of MSP to the accounts of farmers. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
235 20275 Oscsc 2016-11-29 Insurance coverage of stock of Paddy, Rice & Gunny bales at mill premises by the Miller. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
236 5285 Kalahandi 2016-11-27 Ban on use of polythene bags in procurement of paddy in the PACS. CSO, Kalahandi. DRCS, CEO-DCCB and Secretary, Kalahandi Millers Assn.
237 20121 Oscsc 2016-11-26 Delivery of Paddy to custom millers as per Millers Authority Slip (MAS) and SAS during KMS 2016-17. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-Dist Managers of Bargarh, Nuapada, Kalahandi etc.
238 20021 Oscsc 2016-11-25 To GOI for revision of Mandi Lbr charges at Rs.12.28 per qtl paddy. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Director (FC A/cs). FPD Dep[t, GOI, New Delhi.
239 20062 Oscsc 2016-11-25 Monthly delivery schedule of CMR by custom millers for KMS 2016-17. General Manager (Proc), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
240 19489 Oscsc 2016-11-16 Recovery of Insurance Premium from Custom Millers for KMS 2015-16 at 65 paise on 50-50 ratio. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
241 22244 Fscw 2016-11-11 DO letter on revision of Gunny Depreciation for once used gunny bags for KMS 2010-11 to 2015-16. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Union Food Secretary, Food & Public Distribution, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
242 19205 Oscsc 2016-11-08 Revised Rates of TC and Incidentals for KMS 2015-16 to custom millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
243 19064 Oscsc 2016-11-05 Rates of incidentals for the KMS 2016-17 for settlement of bills of Custom Millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
244 21229 Fscw 2016-11-01 Introduction of Transit Pass cum AC Note, Miller Mobile Application and Miller Portal. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
245 21171 Fscw 2016-11-01 Extension of time by GOI for delivery of CMR of KMS 2015-16 upto 30.11.2016. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
246 18550 Oscsc 2016-10-27 Release of Market fees to RMC on procurement of paddy by Oscsc and Submission of UC. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd. Bhubaneswar. Principal Secretary, Cooperation Dept, Odisha.
247 20788 Fscw 2016-10-26 Letter to GOI for extension of deadline for delivery of CMR of KMS 2015-16 upto 31-12-16. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Joint Secy, GOI, F&PD Dept, New Delhi.
248 18378 Oscsc 2016-10-25 Insurance coverage of stock of Oscsc kept at the Mills premises - Steps to be taken at the time of Natural Calamities. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd. Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
249 20609 Fscw 2016-10-24 GOI letter for restricting indexation of incidentals upto Kms 15016 level in Prov. Cost Sheet of Kms 2016-17. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All State Procuring Agencies.
250 18321 Oscsc 2016-10-22 Comments for use of Old bags for procurement of paddy - providing additional clause in policy. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd. Bhubaneswar. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
251 20285 Fscw 2016-10-19 GOI letter Reg Amendment in principles for fixation of Mandi Labour Chg in Provisional cost sheet. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All State Procuring Agencies.
252 20037 Fscw 2016-10-07 Food and Procurement Policy for KMS 2016-17. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
255 16332 Oscsc 2016-09-14 Provisional rates of transport charges to be paid to Custom Millers for KMS 2015-16. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-Cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
257 8-4/2016-S&I GOI 2016-08-11 Uniform Specifications of Paddy, Rice & Coarse Grains for KMS 2016-17. Deputy Commissioner (S&R), FPD Dept, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi. Secretary, F&CS, All State Governments, UTs.
258 13386 Oscsc 2016-07-25 Release of gunny depreciation @Rs.17/- p.qtl rice for KMS 2015-16. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
259 13680 Fscw 2016-07-04 Receipt of CMR in RRC and calling explanation for receiving CMR within FAQ norms but at the borderlines of rejection. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Bhadrak.
260 11670 Oscsc 2016-06-30 Downward revision of H & T rate for movement of CMR from Bhadrak to Kendrapara and Jajpur. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar Jasoda Roadlines, State Level HT Contractor, Jaleswar, Balasore.
261 1843 OSAM Board 2016-06-30 Proceeding (selective) of State Level RMC Secy meeting held on 30.5.16 and abolishing un-authorized RMC Check gates. General Manager, OSAM Board, Bhubaneswar. All Secretaries of RMC in the State.
262 13332 Fscw 2016-06-29 Proceeding of review meeting held on 23-6-16 at Oscsc conference hall. Important decision to stop delivery of CMR to FCI or RRC in some dist. taken. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Procurement Agencies
263 4831 Labour & ESI 2016-06-25 Labour Reforms for Ease in Doing Business. Addl. Secretary, Labour & ESI Dept, Odisha. All Industry Associations
264 13071 Fscw 2016-06-25 Views on 100% Bank Guarantee by Custom Millers during KMS 2016-17. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors, All Agencies and Aorma.
265 12607 Fscw 2016-06-21 Forwarding letter of CSO, Sundergarh expressing inability to receive entire CMR within 30-9-16 for want of space. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
266 10823 Oscsc 2016-06-17 Revised timeline for issue of documents by FCI - Submission of bills on CMR delivery. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
267 12234 Fscw 2016-06-10 Milestone and timelines for paddy procurement during KMS 2016-17. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
268 12247 Fscw 2016-06-10 Proceeding of weekly meeting held on 10.6.16. Aorma points discussed. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Procuring Agencies and Aorma.
269 10018 Fscw 2016-05-12 Concurrence of GOI on the Odisha Specified Food Stuffs (Stock Holding Limit & Licensing) Order,2016. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Union Secretary, Consumer Affairs Department, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
270 9730 Fscw 2016-05-10 Gazette Notification No.835 of schedule under Clause-16 of Custom Milling Order specifying jurisdiction of officers to exercise the powers. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Odisha Gazette Notification.
271 9529 Fscw 2016-05-07 GOI letter for Red Color coding of Gunny Bags of Stock for KMS 2016-17. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Procurement Agencies
272 8987 Fscw 2016-04-29 Tentative target in terms of rice for Rabi Procurement of KMS 2015-16. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
273 8719 Fscw 2016-04-26 Acceptance of 2% storage loss in physical and financial terms in CAP storage of paddy. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
274 8598 Fscw 2016-04-25 GOI clarification reg use of once used gunny in procurement of paddy. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Procurement Agencies
275 7130 Oscsc 2016-04-22 Problem faced by transporters in unloading new gunnies due to demand of higher unloading charges. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar CSO, Ganjam.
276 8303 Fscw 2016-04-21 Letter from BIS rejecting proposal of Fscw for allowing additional 5% weight tolerance in new gunny. Dy Secretary, FS&CW, Odisha. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
277 8286 Fscw 2016-04-20 Notification - Odisha Rice and Paddy procurement and Custom Milling of Rice Order,2916. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Notification for publication in Odisha Gazette.
278 8286 Fscw 2016-04-20 Gazette Notification No.803 Dt.4.5.16 Odisha Rice and Paddy Procurement and Custom Milling of Rice Order,2016. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Odisha Gazette Notification.
279 7894 Fscw 2016-04-12 Problem faced by State Agencies to deliver CMR to FCI on account of newly specified gunny bags and lowering tolerance limit upto 500 grams. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Chairman, FCI, New Delhi.
280 6559 Oscsc 2016-04-11 Adhoc Provisional rates of TC & Incidentals payable to Custom Millers for KMS 2015-15 Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-Cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
281 6689 Fscw 2016-03-31 Acceptance of CMR of FAQ norm in RRCs Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
282 6429 Fscw 2016-03-29 Ratio of delivery of Oscsc CMR ato FCI and RRCs during KMS 2015-16. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
283 3861 Oscsc 2016-02-27 Methods to be adopted by FCI for checking the weight of new gunnies delivered with CMR. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar All District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
284 3967 Fscw 2016-02-19 Ratio of delivery of CMR to FCI and RRCs during KMS 2015-16 on Oscsc account. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors, Secretary-Aorma.
285 2624 Oscsc 2016-02-10 Percentage of FCI delivery for the deficit and surplus districts for February and March,2016. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
286 3145 Fscw 2016-02-09 Problem faced by State Agencies to deliver Custom Milled Rice to FCI due to newly specified gunny bags. Principal Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. CMD, FCI, New Delhi.
287 2291 Oscsc 2016-02-04 Operational Guidelines for KMS 2015-16 - Cutoff date in case of B-Category district at Para-17 shall be read as 31-12-15 instead of 30-12-15. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
288 1398 Oscsc 2016-01-20 Percentage of delivery of RAW Rice to FCI for KMS 2015-16 Khariff. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO, Koraput, Rayagada, Gajapati, Ganjam and Nabarangpur.
296 24095 Fscw 2015-12-18 Exemption of tolls fees in toll gates on paddy procured by Government and rice transported thereof. Commissioner-cum-Secreatry, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. CGM, NHAI, Odisha Region, Bhubaneswar.
300 21698 Oscsc 2015-12-14 Acceptance of Quality Rice in RRC, CWC and OSWC depot. Managing Director, OSCSC Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All PI and Depot Incharge.
302 23340 Fscw 2015-12-09 Revised proceeding of millers meeting with Honourable Minister held on31.10.15 at Pantha Nibas, Bhubaneswar. Dy. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma.
303 23400 Fscw 2015-12-09 Assessment of marketable surplus of farmers without deducting requirement for self consumption. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
304 21384 Oscsc 2015-12-08 TC on Paddy procured from other district to be paid at usual rates for KMS 2014-15. GM (Procurement), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Subarnapur.
305 23199 Fscw 2015-12-07 Initial percentage of FCI delivery for OSCSC during KMS 2015-16 Khariff. Dy. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
306 21168 Oscsc 2015-12-04 Certification of distance and submission of information thereof. GM (Procurement), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers. Oscsc Ltd.
307 Proc.6-Audit-14-15 FCI 2015-12-04 Reimbursement and Recovery of gunny depreciation on procurement of CMR by various agencies in Odisha. General Manager, FCI, Bhubaneswar. All Area Managers, FCI.
308 22631 Fscw 2015-11-27 Meeting to be held on 1.12.15 with Honourable Minister on paddy procurement with Aorma representatives. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma.
309 22527 Fscw 2015-11-26 Extension of time upto 31.12.2015 for delivery of CMR to FCI for KMS 2014-15. Dy. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. GM, FCI and all Agencies.
310 21963 Fscw 2015-11-13 Provisional Costing Sheet of Odisha CMR KMS 2015-16. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Procurement Agencies
311 19768 Oscsc 2015-11-09 Participation of Nuapada dist millers in Kalahandi dist by treating both the districts as a single unit. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
312 19323 Oscsc 2015-11-03 Value cut not to be imposed by FCI on DGS&D supplied gunny bags. Chief General Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. General Manager, FCI, Regional Office, Bhubaneswar.
313 2(1)/Appeal /2014-15 FCI HQr 2015-11-03 Further revised procedure for appeal against the rejection of CMR lot by FCI. DGM (QC), FCI Head Quarter, New Delhi General Manager of All Regional Offices.
314 19136 Oscsc 2015-10-30 Payment of dues to the custom millers for Rice delivered at FCI - Recovery of value cut. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
315 Jute-CA-02-13-1 GOI 2015-10-05 Production and supply of 580gms B Twill Jute Bags 50Kg w.e.f. 1st November,2015. Jute Commissioner, GOI, Kolkata. All Jute Mills.
316 8729 Labour Dept- 2015-09-24 Gazette Notification No.1347 Dt.24.9.15 on Revised Fees of Factory Licence. Labour & ESI Dept. Gazette Notification
317 8729 Labour Dept 2015-09-23 Notification on Revised Fees of Factory Licence. Labour & ESI Dept. Departmental Notification.
318 17239 Oscsc 2015-09-22 No Relaxation in delivery percentage of CMR to FCI for KMS 2014-15. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
319 18572 Fscw 2015-09-16 Proceeding of weekly review meeting held on 8-9-15. Refer Millers issues at Page-9. Certification of road distance to be finalized by the Dist Collectors. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma and All Agencies.
320 16426 Oscsc 2015-09-02 Recovery of Insurance Premium at Rs.1.23 p.qtl.paddy for KMS 2014-15 and on carry over of KMS 13-14 beyond 30.11.14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
321 17365 Fscw 2015-08-29 Timeline for procurement of paddy and delivery of CMR during ensuing KMS 2015-16. Deputy Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
322 17115 Fscw 2015-08-26 Uniform Specifications of Paddy and Rice for KMS 2015-16. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Agencies.
323 GSR-664(E) GOI 2015-08-26 Indian Boiler (2nd Amendment)Regulations, 2015 - Revision of Fees etc. Gazette Notification of GOI For information of members
324 17061 Fscw 2015-08-25 Payment of TC on paddy and rice and certification of distance by Collector. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
325 16875 Fscw 2015-08-22 Extension of time for delivery of CMR/Levy rice to FCI for KMS 2014-15 upto 31.10.15. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Agencies and Collectors.
326 15981 Fscw 2015-08-12 Extension of Date line for delivery of CMR/Levy rice to Central Pool upto 31.12.15 for KMS 2014-15. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Joint Secy, GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
327 15343 Fscw 2015-08-04 Views on enhancement of labour charges for loading of paddy to vehicles in Market Yeards. Dy. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
328 15344 Fscw 2015-08-04 Views on certification of distance by Collector for reimbursement of transport charges on paddy and rice. Dy. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
329 323 Labour Dept 2015-07-24 Gazette Notification on revised Minimum Wages w.e.f.24.7.2015 Labour & ESI Dept. Gazette Notification
330 13299 Oscsc 2015-07-17 Withdrawal of FCI instruction on final weight as per 10 percent weighment. GM (Proc), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Information of all.
331 12903 2015-07-10 Proceeding of meeting held on 23.6.15 at New Delhi on Normative Milling Charges. Chief General Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Dy. Secretart, FSCW Dept, Odisha.
332 Proc.5(2) CMR/TC FCI 2015-07-04 Rates of TC for Paddy and CMR payable by FCI under Central Pool delivery to State Govt and its Agencies for KMS 2014-15 and 2015-16. General Manager (Odisha), FCI, Bhubaneswar. All Area Managers with copy to Food Commissioner, Odisha.
333 12617 Fscw 2015-07-01 Extension of timeline by GOI for delivery of CMR/ Levy Rice of Kharif crop of KMS 14-15 to FCI upto 31st Aug,2015. Dy. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. GM,FCI and Others.
334 12461 Fscw 2015-06-29 Further increase of CMR delivery to FCI by 10 percent for Kharif Procurement of KMS 2014-15. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
335 11432 Fscw 2015-06-17 Comments and suggestions on Uniform Specification of Rice & Paddy for KMS 2015-16. Dy. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Aorma and Others
336 5215 Labour 2015-06-12 Gazette Notification Reg. Approval of Extension plan and annual renewal of Factory Licence at Dy. Director level. Principal Secretary, Labour and ESI Dept, Odisha, Bhubaneswar. Gazette Notification
337 10977 Oscsc 2015-06-10 Scientific storage of paddy by the custom millers - Disposal of CAP Covers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
338 10943 Oscsc 2015-06-09 Upload of backlog SMS for Paddy Procurement and Rice Delivery on every 2nd Saturday and following Sunday of every month. General Manager (Procurement), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Secretary, Aorma and other.
339 10759 Fscw 2015-06-03 Notification to rescind Odisha Rice and Paddy Procurement(Levy) Order,2013 w.e.f.1.10.2015. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. For Publication in Gazette.
340 9593 Fscw 2015-05-18 Review on delivery of CMR out of KMS 2014-15. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
341 9595 Fscw 2015-05-18 Percentage of CMR delivery to FCI - changes thereof. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collectors of Angul, Balasore, Bhadrak, Kalahandi, Keonjhar, Mayurbhanj, Sambalpur and Subarnpur.
342 9597 Fscw 2015-05-18 Relaxation in CMR delivery by Millers in KMS 2014-15 for participation in Rabi Procurement. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collectors of Balasore, Bhadrak, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Jsingpur, Jajpur, Kendrapara, Khordha and Mbhang.
343 9018 Fscw 2015-05-08 Allotment of target for procurement of Rabi Paddy for KMS 2014-15. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors with Copy to Secretary, Aorma.
344 8799 Fscw 2015-05-05 Proceeding of Review meeting held on 28.4.15 - All Aorma points discussed favorably. Dy. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma and Other Agencies.
345 8830 Fscw 2015-05-05 Submission of trial milling report as requested by AORMA. Dy. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. The Principal Scientist, IICPT, Thanjavur, Tamilnadu.
346 8200 Oscsc 2015-05-02 Conditions for payment of Gunny Depreciation for KMS 2014-15. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
347 7879 Oscsc 2015-04-29 Rice stock got damaged within 2 months with CWC, Kalahandi due to chemical apply by 3 millers. General Manager (Procurement), Oscsc Ltd, Bbsr. CSO-cum-District Manager, Kalahandi.
348 8237 Fscw 2015-04-25 GOI letter Dt.10.4.15 Reg Blue Color Coding of Gunny Bags for KMS 2015-16 and discontinuation of BLUE strip at the centre of Jute Bag. Dy. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. MD, Oscsc and all other State Agencies.
349 42 CTD 2015-04-20 Important circular on Non-levy of mandatory penalty on audit assessment under CST Act for non-submission of Form-C. Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, Odisha, Cuttack. All Officers of Sales Tax Dept.
350 7211 Oscsc 2015-04-18 Submission of FCI delivery documents by Millers - Penal provisions thereof. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
351 7733 Fscw 2015-04-17 GOI letter for Filling of minimum 37.5 kg paddy in SBT bags of 50 Kg capacity Dy. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
352 7691 Fscw 2015-04-16 Validation of land data for smooth procurement of Rabi Paddy. Addl. Chief Secretary and Food Commissioner. All Collectors.
353 6729 Fscw 2015-04-04 District specific quota for delivery of Oscsc CMR to FCI during KMS 2014-15. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
354 6552 Fscw 2015-03-30 Supervision and Monitoring of Rabi Paddy Procurement Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
355 5977 Oscsc 2015-03-26 Rates of different items of expenditure to be allowed to Custom Millers, PACS etc.for KMS 2014-15. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
356 NIL OERC 2015-03-23 Electricity Retail Supply Tariff Effective from 1st April,2015. OERC For information of All
357 6058 Fscw 2015-03-23 Guidelines for Farmer registration and renewal for Rabi Paddy Procurement. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
358 4012 CTD 2015-03-11 Enhancing Transparency and Quality of Audit Process w.e.f.2015-16 Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, Odisha. All DCCT/ACCT.
359 4490 Oscsc 2015-03-10 Safe and scientific storage of paddy, rice and gunny bales. General Manager (Accounts), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSOs and Secretary, Aorma.
360 4867 Fscw 2015-03-04 Extension of timeline by GOI for Khariff paddy procurement upto 31.3.15 instead of earlier 15.3.15. Addl. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
361 3962 Fscw 2015-02-23 Relaxation in security norms of Custom Miller during KMS 2014-15 in case of 100% delivery of 13-14 CMR by Nov,14. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collector, Angul, Jagatsinghpur and Sundargarh.
362 6(1)/2007-PY.III GOI 2015-02-20 Direction to stop imposition of Levy Rice in the States from KMS 2015-16 onwards. Joint Secretary (Policy & FCI), GOI, New Delhi. All Food Secretaries of State Governments.
363 3220 Fscw 2015-02-11 Relaxation in security norms of Custom Millers during the KMS 2014-15. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. Collector, Dhenkanal, Nuapada and Malkangiri.
364 3239 Fscw 2015-02-11 Percentage of delivery of CMR by Millers to FCI during KMS 2014-15 in 11 high PDS consumption districts. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. Collectors of Angul, Dhenkanal, Ganjam, Gajapati, Jagatsinghpur, Puri and others.
365 2250 CTD 2015-02-11 Requirement of audited accounts if turnover exceeds Rs.1 Crore in any particular year w.e.f. 1.4.15. Commissioner of Sales Tax, Odisha. Notification
366 2794 Fscw 2015-02-07 Procurement Price of Levy Rice during KMS 2014-15. Dy. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
367 1902 Oscsc 2015-02-02 Delivery of paddy within security deposit norms - temporarily storage of paddy under covered or CAP in case of possibility of violation of security deposit norms. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
368 1746 Fscw 2015-01-28 Acceptance of advance levy during KMS 2014-15 - Furnishing some informations thereof. Dy. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma and All CSOs.
369 1739 Fscw 2015-01-22 Nomination of NACOF as a Govt. Agency in the process of Procurement of Paddy during KMS 2014-15. Dy. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. Branch Manager, Nacof, Bhubaneswar.
370 1337 Oscsc 2015-01-21 Proceeding of meeting Chaired by MD, Oscsc on 25.11.14 with gunny transport contractors and Secretary, Aorma. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Secretary, Aorma and Others.
371 1179 Fscw 2015-01-19 Revised transportation charges for paddy and rice for the KMS 2014-15. Deputy Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd and General Manager, FCI.
372 1125 Oscsc 2015-01-17 Delivery of CMR to FCI in KMS 2014-15 and issue of only one copy of AC Note by FCI. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
373 766 Oscsc 2015-01-15 Procedure to be adopted for ensuring weighment of new gunny bales from different jute mill points at the time of loading into vehicles. General Manager (A&A), Oscsc Ltd, Bbsr. Transport Contractors with copy to Secretary, Aorma.
374 338 Fscw 2015-01-07 Procurement of Paddy/Rice under Levy route. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
375 54 Oscsc 2015-01-05 District wise Monthly Milling Capacity. General Manager (Procurement), Oscsc Ltd, Bbsr. Dy. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha.
376 23603 Oscsc 2014-12-29 Settlement of bills of Custom Millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
377 21176 Fscw 2014-12-24 Delivery of CMR and Levy Rice for KMS 2013-14 to be made within the extension period of 31.12.14. Dy. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
378 21160 Fscw 2014-12-23 Delivery of Rice to FCI during KMS 2014-15. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
379 Estt.(1)2013-15 FCI 2014-12-09 List of FCI Holidays for the calender year 2015. FCI, Regional Office, Bhubaneswar. For information of All.
380 22393 Oscsc 2014-12-08 Safe and scientific storage of paddy, rice and gunny bales by Custom Millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Secretary, Aorma and Others.
381 19726 Fscw 2014-12-02 Relaxation in percentage of delivery of CMR for KMS 2013-14 for participation in 2014-15 and relaxation in security deposit in some cases. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
382 21534 Oscsc 2014-11-26 Draft Agreement with the Custom Millers for KMS 2014-15. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
383 21454 Oscsc 2014-11-24 Operational Guidelines for KMS 2014-15 Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
384 18861 Fscw 2014-11-21 Dist.wise Tentative Target for KMS 2014-15. Addl. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
385 18902 Fscw 2014-11-21 Relaxation of the norms of 100 percent advance security against paddy delivery. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collector, Bargarh with copy to All Collectors.
386 18084 Fscw 2014-11-07 Uniform Specification of Rice for KMS 2014-15 and restoration of moisture upto 15 percent with value cut. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd and all other Agencies.
387 18017 Fscw 2014-11-05 Food and Procurement Policy for KMS 2014-15. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors, Secretary,Aorma etc.
388 192(23)/2014 GOI 2014-11-03 Provisional Rates of CMR KMS 2014-15 under Central Pool and DCP for the State of Odisha. Under Secretary to GOI, F&PD, New Delhi. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Fscw Dept, Odisha.
389 20212 Oscsc 2014-11-01 Selection of sites for CAP Storage of Paddy during KMS 2014-15. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
390 17913 Fscw 2014-11-01 Information on 9 deficit districts to promote rice mills. Addl. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. Addl. Secretary, MSME Dept, Odisha.
391 19994 Oscsc 2014-10-30 Observance of 2nd week of Nov,2014 as Pending Claim Settlement Week at all CSO Offices. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Secretary, Aorma
392 17630 Fscw 2014-10-29 Implementation of CAP Storage of Paddy in KMS 2014-15 - Instructions thereof. Commissioner-cum-Secreatry, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
393 17351 Fscw 2014-10-25 Participation of Custom Millers in procurement for KMS 2014-15 only after 100 percent delivery of backlog CMR. Addl. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
394 19693 Oscsc 2014-10-22 Discussion with Transport contractors on weighment of New Gunnies. General Manager (A&A), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Secretary, Aorma and Others.
395 17093 Fscw 2014-10-20 Proceeding of Review Meeting held on 14.10.14 - Millers will be allowed to participate after completing 100 percent delivery. Dy. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma and Others.
396 19205 Oscsc 2014-10-16 Custody and maintenance charges for KMS 2013-14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
397 16654 Fscw 2014-10-12 Extension of time for delivery of CMR and Levy Rice for KMS 2013-14 allowed upto 31.12.14. Addl. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All State Procurement Agencies and all Collectors.
398 18774 Oscsc 2014-10-11 Status of delivery of CMR and shifting of paddy after expiry of due date of 10.10.2014. General Manager (Procurement) Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
399 18776 Oscsc 2014-10-11 Supply of New Gunny Bags for cap storage of 10 LMT Paddy in high procureing districts during KMS 2014-15. General Manager (Procurement) Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. General Manager (A-A), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
400 18537_1 Oscsc 2014-10-08 Minutes of 166th meeting of Board of Directors of OSCSC held on 25.9.14. Company Secretary, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha.
401 16248 Fscw 2014-09-30 Letter to GOI for Extension of time for delivery of CMR and Levy Rice of KMS 2013-14 till 31.12.14. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. Joint Secretary, GOI, Food & Public Distribution, New Delhi.
402 15605 Fscw 2014-09-22 Check list of Preparatory Activities for Paddy Procurement during KMS 2014-15. Addl. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
403 15465 Fscw 2014-09-19 Proceeding of review meeting held on 9.9.14 - Aorma Points discussed on backlog SMS etc. Addl. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma and Others.
404 15468 Fscw 2014-09-19 Forwarding questionnaire devised by Tariff Commission for review of Milling Charges. Addl. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. Sri Balajee Rice Mill, Sambalpur and Others.
406 14285 Fscw 2014-09-01 Proceeding of review meeting held on 19.8.14 - Imp AORMA points discussed. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary Aorma and Others.
407 14298 Fscw 2014-09-01 Time for delivery of CMR and Levy rice of KMS 2013-14 extended by one month i.e. upto 31.10.2014. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors & Others.
408 25161 Finance 2014-08-28 Gazette Notification on Exemption of tax on inter state sale of rice against Form-C. Under Secretary to Govt, Finance Dept, Odisha. Gazette Notification
409 13637 EPFO 2014-08-28 Gazette Notification Dt.22.8.14 on enhancement of statutory wage ceiling to Rs.15,000 w.e.f.1.9.14 instead of existing Rs.6,000. Central Provident Fund Commissioner, New Delhi. All Regional P.F.Commissioners
410 15308 Oscsc 2014-08-11 List of Sambalpur Millers for whom stock damage claim lodged with Insurance Co. Dy.General Manager (Finance) Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Sr. Divisional Manager, National Insurance Co, Bhubaneswar.
411 14943 Oscsc 2014-08-05 Calculations for Recovery of Insurance premium from Custom millers. DGM(Finance), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
412 14827 Oscsc 2014-08-04 Intimation of damage of stock of Paddy, Rice and Gunny Bales due to flood. DGM(Finance), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
413 14159 Oscsc 2014-07-24 Reminder on Safe and scientific storage of Paddy, Rice and Gunny Bales by Millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
414 14160 Oscsc 2014-07-24 Recovery of Insurance premium at Rs.1.16 p.qtl paddy for 2013-14 and additional 1.16 on equivalent paddy due beyond 30.11.13 for KMS 2012-13. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
415 213_Media Fscw 2014-07-16 Exemption of 2% CST and reimbursement of 2% Market fees on rice exported out of State by Millers. FS&CW Dept. Press Brier Media persons
416 13247 Oscsc 2014-07-15 Extending credit to Rice Mills against pledge of Paddy, Rice etc - Clarification thereof. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Convenor, SLBC & GM, UCO Bank.
417 11528 Fscw 2014-07-15 Price Policy for Kharif Crops of 2014-15 Season - Fixation of Minimum Support Prices by GOI. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors and CSOs.
418 11358 Fscw 2014-07-11 Implementation of Paddy Procurement Automation System P-PAS in selected high procuring Blocks of Districts. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
419 11371 Fscw 2014-07-11 Timely delivery of CMR - Instructions from GOI. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
420 10503 Fscw 2014-06-30 Notification on Transfer Posting of CSOs. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Notification.
421 10344 Fscw 2014-06-27 Fowarding earlier letter No.14816 dt.29.8.13 Reg. Method of verification of stock and immune from unfounded criminal cases. Addl.Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha DG Police(Vigilance), Sales Tax Commissioner, ALL S.P.s
422 11767 Oscsc 2014-06-27 Clarification on Imposition of Holding Charges for delay in delivery of CMR for KMS 2012-13. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
423 10300 Fscw 2014-06-26 Improper Imposition of Holding Charges for KMS 2012-13. Addl.Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
424 9587 Fscw 2014-06-13 Furnishing of information in connection with revision of milling charges for Raw and Parboiled Rice Addl.Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha Sri Manoj Kr. Gupta, Director, GOI, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
425 140526 GOI 2014-06-02 Portfolios of Union Council of Ministers GOI website For Information of Members
426 8856 Fscw 2014-06-02 Mandi handling operation at the paddy purchase centres operated by PACS - payment of commission for KMS 2013-14. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
427 8436 Fscw 2014-05-24 Programme for Trial milling for Uniform Out-Turn Ratio of Raw and Parboiled rice. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collector, Kalahandi, Bolangir, Bargarh and Sambalpur.
428 8092 Fscw 2014-05-19 Waiver from Delivery of additional CMR to FCI against shortfall of 2012-13 by millers of Ganjam and Puri dist. Millers Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collector, Ganjam and Puri.
429 8831 Oscsc 2014-05-15 Participation of Hi-Tech Industries, Deogarh in KMS 2013-14. General Manager (Proc) Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Collector, Deogarh.
430 8156 Oscsc 2014-05-06 Payment of Custody & Maintenance charges for KMS 2013-14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd.
431 8158 Oscsc 2014-05-06 Guidelines on Payment of dues to the custom millers for KMS 2013-14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd.
432 OERC 2014-04-26 Electricity Retail Supply Tariff Effective From 1st April,2014. Odisha Electricity Regulatory Commission, Bhubaneswar For Information of Consumers
433 6319 Fscw 2014-04-16 Clarification on Delivery of CMR at RRC and FCI during KMS 2013-14. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors & CSOs & Secretary, Aorma.
434 6968 Oscsc 2014-04-11 Lifting of New Gunny Bags from Jute Mills after weighment of consignment. General Manager (A&A), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Concerned Jute Mills of W.B.
435 6213 Fscw 2014-04-11 Some Changes in Online generation of DC and EC. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors & CSOs.
436 6218 Fscw 2014-04-11 Instructions for held up of pay of Authorised Officers if weekly physical verification report of Mills not submitted. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors & CSOs.
437 6528 Oscsc 2014-04-03 Intimation of unreported cased of stock of Paddy,Rice,Gunny damage in cyclone Phailin with 7 days. Dy. General Manager(F), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
438 5681 Fscw 2014-04-03 Allowing millers to deliver balance CMR at RRC who have completed FCI delivery and other millers will continue to deliver at FCI 75% and RRC 25% Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors & CSOs.
439 6306 Oscsc 2014-04-02 Shortage due to theft, burglary,misappropriation not covered under insurance policy and millers responsibility. Dy. General Manager(F), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
440 6397 Oscsc 2014-04-02 No further paddy delivery and bill payment without furnishing required Security Deposit for KMS 2013-14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
441 5130 Fscw 2014-03-25 GOI Letter Dt.3.3.14-Red Colour Coding of Gunny Bags for KMS 2014-15. Addl. Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. MD, Oscsc and all other State Agencies.
442 5374 Oscsc 2014-03-19 Clarification that Certificate from RRC not required for finalisation of millers dues for KMS 12-13. Dy. General Manager (Fin), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Secretary, AORMA & Othrs.
443 5221 Oscsc 2014-03-18 Rates of different item of expenditure allowed for KMS 2013-14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
444 4711 Fscw 2014-03-15 Proceeding of Review Meeting held on 11.3.14 Important Aorma Points. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, AORMA & Others
445 4560 Fscw 2014-03-14 Suggestions on problems faced by the State Govt in adopting DCP mode of procurement. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Joint Secretary, FCI & Policy, GOI, New Delhi.
446 4842 Oscsc 2014-03-13 Submission of Delivery Certificate to Area Managers of FCI. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. General Manager, FCI, Bhubaneswar.
447 4267 Fscw 2014-03-11 Proceeding of Review Meeting held on 4.3.2014. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, AORMA & Others
448 4256 Fscw 2014-03-11 GOI Letter Dt.28.2.14 allowing payment of vat on rice instead of on MSP for KMS 2012-13. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
449 4678 Oscsc 2014-03-11 Quality checking of new gunnies- instruction to Jute mills for allowing pre weighment of loaded trucks. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Director, GOI, DGS&D, Hyderabad.
450 4038 Oscsc 2014-03-03 Clarification on determination of tare weight of gunny bags at the time of taking delivery of CMR from the millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO , Aorma and others.
451 3858 Oscsc 2014-02-26 Detailed Notice inviting Tender for construction of Godowns of 5000 MT each under PEG-2009 in 15 districts. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Notice inviting Tender
452 3859 Oscsc 2014-02-26 Development of Agri Storage facilities under Odisha PEG Sheme-2013 in 20 districts. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Notice inviting Tender
453 3642 Oscsc 2014-02-22 Scientific Storage of Paddy Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Secretary, Aorma & Others
454 3508_1 Oscsc 2014-02-20 Allotment and lifting plan of rice for March,2014. General Manager (PDS), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
455 2969 Fscw 2014-02-19 Mandi handling operation at the PPCs operated by PACS- Payment of Commission for KMS 2013-14. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
456 2972 Fscw 2014-02-19 Revision of Oscsc Target for Angul, Bhadrak, Boudh, Kalahandi, Keonjhar, Koraput, Mayurbhanj,, Rayagada and Puri Dist. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collectors of concerned Districts.
457 2916 Fscw 2014-02-18 Sending of Backlog SMS on Paddy Procurement and Rice Delivery for KMS 2012-13 and 2013-14. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
458 3227 Oscsc 2014-02-17 Utilization of left over new gunnies of KMS 2012-13 for packing of CMR of KMS 2013-14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Joint Secretary, GOI, Food Dept, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
459 1832 Oscsc 2014-01-29 Obtainin of licences under the Food Safety and Standard Act,2006 for ware houses managed by Oscsc Ltd. General Manager (Admin-I), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
460 1526 Fscw 2014-01-28 Guidelines for disbursement of Bonus i.e. Spl Calamity Assistance to farmers affected by Cyclone Flood in October,13. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
461 1714 Oscsc 2014-01-27 Clarification on allowing driage on Paddy for Rice Rice and payment in certain cases for KMS 2012-13. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-Dist. Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Ganjam.
462 1555 Oscsc 2014-01-25 Relaxation in Uniform Specification of Rice for KMS 2013-14 Post Phailin in Ganjam. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Collector, Ganjam
463 1347 Fscw 2014-01-24 Comments/views on open sale or export of paddy/rice. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma.
464 1421 Oscsc 2014-01-22 Compulsory mobile reporting on Rice Delivery by custom millers during 2013-14 KMS General Manager (Proc), Oscsc Ltd. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
465 945 Fscw 2014-01-18 Procurement Price of Levy Rice during KMS 2013-14. Additional Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
466 1280 Finance 2014-01-17 Exemption of CST on inter-State sale of paddy to against Form-C during 1.1.14 to 30.4.14. Dy. Secretary, Finance Dept, Odisha. Notification for publication in Odisha Gazette.
467 802 Fscw 2014-01-16 Mandi handling by PACS and payment of 50 percent commission in case of failure during 2013-14 KMS. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
468 526 Fscw 2014-01-09 Receipt of CMR of KMS 2013-14 from Millers - Utilization of space at RRC. Commissioner-cum-Secreatry, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
469 401 Fscw 2014-01-07 Declaration of payment of Rs.100 to farmers and exemption of RMS fees and CST on Paddy. Additional Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. Sri Rajendra Dholakia, M.L.A.
470 169 Oscsc 2014-01-04 Delivery of CMR to FCI for KMS 2013-14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
471 149 Oscsc 2014-01-03 Payment of commission at 50 percent to PACS unable to undertake Mandi Handling during 2013-14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha.
472 143 Fscw 2014-01-02 Conduct raids on all defaulting Millers of your district. Joint Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
473 21968 Fscw 2013-12-28 District wise percentage of CMR to be delivered to FCI for KMS 2013-14 from Oscsc account. Additional Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
474 21503 Fscw 2013-12-20 Utilisation of balance CMR of KMS 2012-13 before delivery of CMR for KMS 2013-14 at RRC of Oscsc. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
475 23330 Oscsc 2013-12-19 Proposed district wise target for delivery of CMR to FCI during KMS 2013-14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
476 22952 Oscsc 2013-12-13 Recovery to be made from the bills of Custom Millers for KMS 2012-13. Dy. General Manager (Finance), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
477 20614 Fscw 2013-12-12 Reply under RTI on Levy Rice Scheme. Desk Officer, Fscw, Bhubaneswar. P.S.B.R. Pattnaik, Koraput.
478 22909 Oscsc 2013-12-12 Recovery of Insurance Premium from Custom Millers Rs.1.18 p.qtl paddy for KMS 2012-13. Dy. General Manager (Finance), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
479 20823 Fscw 2013-12-11 Purchase of paddy under Levy and delivery of CMR to FCI by Custom Millers. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
480 20541 Fscw 2013-12-05 Rates of TC payable by FCI under CMR and Levy for KMS 2012-13. Additional Secretary, FSCW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors and All Procurement Agencies.
481 20056 Fscw 2013-11-26 District wise Tentative Procurement Target for KMS 2013-14. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
482 20000 Fscw 2013-11-25 Request for relaxation for specification of Paddy in Odisha for KMS 2013-14. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Union Food Secretary, Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi.
483 19552 Fscw 2013-11-19 Proceeding of Review Meeting with Food Comnr on 12.11.13 wherein important Aorma points were raised and discussed. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma.
484 19255 Fscw 2013-11-12 Changes in m-Gov. Application for SMS on Paddy Proc, Rice Delivery and Depot Transaction for KMS 2013-14. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
485 20882 Oscsc 2013-11-12 Release of Payment in lieu of Driage on Paddy for Raw Rice to Gajapati and Bolangir millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-Dist.Managers, Gajapati and Bolangir.
486 20499 Oscsc 2013-11-06 Oscsc Operational Guidelines for KMS 2013-14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
487 20634 Oscsc 2013-11-06 Oscsc Agreement with Custom Millers for KMS 2013-14. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
488 18892 Fscw 2013-11-04 Provisional rates of CMR for KMS 2013-14 as per GOI letter dt.25.10.13. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Procuring Agencies.
489 2115 Gazette 2013-10-30 Gazette Notification of Levy Control Order,2013. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha.
490 18180 Fscw 2013-10-23 Notification on Odisha Rice and Paddy Levy Control Order,2013. Commissioner-cum-Secreatry, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. For Publication in Gazette.
491 18152 Fscw 2013-10-22 Representation of Aorma on Insurance claim of CMR. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
492 18107 Fscw 2013-10-21 Extension of time for delivery of CMR and Levy Rice of KMS 2012-13 upto 31.12.13. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Agencies, Collectors and CSOs.
493 18029 Fscw 2013-10-19 Food and Procurement Policy for KMS 2013-14. Commissioner-cum-Secreatry, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
494 16219 Fscw 2013-09-21 Meeting on 27.9.13 on arrangements for procurement of paddy for ensuing KMS 2013-14. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Civil Supplies Officers.
495 18300 Oscsc 2013-09-20 List of Officers for fortnightly visit of Districts to review miller-wise delivery position of CMR for KMS 2012-13. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Concerned Collectors and CSOs.
496 15899 Fscw 2013-09-16 Extension of time for delivery of CMR/Levy Rice of KMS 2012-13 upto 31.10.13. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Agencies, Collectors and CSOs.
497 17688 Oscsc 2013-09-11 Payment of dues to the Custom Millers for KMS 2012-13. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
498 14816 Fscw 2013-08-29 Method of verification of stock and immune from unfounded criminal cases by considering 2% deviation as normal phenomenon. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. GM, Fci, MD,Oscsc, Tdcc, Markfed, B.M,Nafed and All Collectors, C.S.O.s
499 13504 Fscw 2013-08-07 Delivery of rice less than 50 percent. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collectors of Balasore, Bhadrak, Jagatsinghpur, Jharsuguda, Khurda, Nayagarh, Sambalpur, sonepur and Sundergarh.
500 13430 Fscw 2013-08-06 De-linking of Commission to Societies from MSP w.e.f. KMS 2013-14. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. GM, FCI ; MD, Oscsc ; Markfed, Nafed, Tdccl, Bhubaneswar.
502 13160 Fscw 2013-07-30 Procurement prices of Levy Rice dring KMS 2012-13 and payment of Vat 5 percent as per OVAT Act. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. General Manager, FCI, Bhubaneswar.
503 14811 Oscsc 2013-07-29 Rates of different items of expenditure to be allowed to Custom Millers by Oscsc for decentralized procurement during KMS 2012-13. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
505 14249 Oscsc 2013-07-24 Repor on allowing Driage on Paddy to Rice Rice Millers. Dy. General Manager (Finance), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Gajapati.
506 12688 Fscw 2013-07-20 Creation of 5 Lakh Ton Storage capacity for Paddy at PACS and RMC Yards. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, Co-operation Dept, Odisha.
507 12177 Fscw 2013-07-11 Request for relaxation in Uniform Specification of Paddy and Rice in Odisha for current KMS 2012-13 due to damage of paddy in floods. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Deputy Director (S&R), Dept. of Food & Public Distribution, New Delhi.
508 11244 Oscsc 2013-06-17 De-hiring of 2000 MT CWC Godown at Jeypore in Koraput Dist. due to un-reasonable demand of labourers for unloading CMR. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Regional Manager, C.W.C., Bhubaneswar.
509 10639 Fscw 2013-06-13 Revision of Levy target for Balasore and Oscsc target for Bargarh, Sambalpur and Sonepur districts. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collector, Balasore/ Bargarh/ Sambalpur and Sonepur.
510 10853 Oscsc 2013-06-07 Blue Colour Coding of Gunny Bags for ensuing KMS 2013-14. General Manager (A&A), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
511 10290 Fscw 2013-06-07 Direct Paddy procurement by FCI in Sambalpur not feasible. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collector, Sambalpur.
512 10332 Fscw 2013-06-07 Oscsc to develop storage space for 2 lakh MT through PPP with IFC support. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
513 10185 Fscw 2013-06-04 Proceeding of weekly review meeting held on 28.5.13. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma.
516 9719 Fscw 2013-05-28 Revision and allotment of Rabi target to some districts like Bls, Bolangir,Jajpur, Knp etc. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collectors of concerned District.
517 9702 Fscw 2013-05-27 Proceeding of Review meeting held on 22.5.13. Millers request for early revision of rates and stock issue on FIFO basis discussed. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma.
518 9121 Fscw 2013-05-13 Allotment of Rabi target and revision of Markfed & Nafed Target for 2012-13 Kms. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collectors of concerned Districts.
519 8969 Fscw 2013-05-10 Constitution of a Sub-Committee under the Chairmanship of RDC(ND), Sambalpur to propose amendments to the Odisha Rice & Paddy (Levy) Control Order,1982. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Revenue Divisional Commissioner (ND), Sambalpur & Others.
520 7527 Fscw 2013-04-15 Proceeding of Review meeting held on 9.4.13 AORMA submissions for revision of incidentals and other matters are discussed. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Secretary, Aorma and MD, Oscsc etc.
521 7538 Fscw 2013-04-15 Reminder to All Procurment Agencies for views on method of verification of stocks as suggested by AORMA. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd and others.
522 7539 Fscw 2013-04-15 Certificate of paddy loading by miller for 2012-13 and request for issue of clarification thereof. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
523 7540 Fscw 2013-04-15 Release of amount withheld for FCI Delivery. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
524 7535 Oscsc 2013-04-12 Reimbursement of full mandi labour charges to the millers of Cuttack Dist for KMS 2011-12. General Manager (Proc), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Cuttack.
525 6786 Fscw 2013-04-04 Problem in delivery of CMR at CWC and OSWC in Sonepur District for labour demand. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Collector & C.S.O., Sonepur.
526 6669 Fscw 2013-04-02 Procurement Price of Levy Rice during KMS 2012-13 Vat payable 5 percent. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors & C.S.O.s.
527 192(15)2012 GOI 2013-04-01 Revised costing sheet for Odisha CMR KMS 2012-13. Under Secretary to GOI, Union Food Dept, New Delhi. Secretary, Food & Civil Supplies Dept, Govt. of Odisha, Bhubaneshwar.
528 6531 Oscsc 2013-03-30 Reimbursement of gunny cost for KMS 2009-10, 10-11 and 11-12 to Nuapada Millers. General Manager (A&A), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Nuapada.
529 6250 Oscsc 2013-03-23 Revised Provisional rates of Milling and other charges payable to Custom Millers for KMS 2012-13. Pl ignore Oscsc Letter Nos.5972 and 6084 Dt.21.3.13. Deputy General Manager(F), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
530 5972 Oscsc 2013-03-21 Provisional payment of Milling Charges and other incidentals to Custom Millers for KMS 2012-13. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
531 6084 Oscsc 2013-03-21 Correction in rates of Milling charges communicated earlier vide Letter No.5972 Dt.21.3.13. Deputy General Manager(F), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
532 5558 Oscsc 2013-03-15 Release of Rs.70 as adhoc cost of 2 gunny bags supplied by custom millers for KMS 2012-13. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar All CSO-cum-District Mangers, Oscsc Ltd.
533 5574 Fscw 2013-03-12 Proceedings of weekly review meeting held on 4.3.13: Adhoc payment for gunny bags to millers agreed. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha Secretary, AORMA
534 5589 Fscw 2013-03-12 Revision of Oscsc Target for Cuttack, Jagatsinghpur, Jajpur and Nayagarh districts. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha Collector, Cuttack/ Jagatsinghpur/ Jajpur/ Nayagarh.
535 5107 Fscw 2013-03-06 Payment of cost of new gunny bags supplied by Millers. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar.
536 4374 Oscsc 2013-02-28 Delivery of CMR to FCI during KMS 2012-13 - Authorization to Millers to collect documents from FCI. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. General Manager, FCI, Bhubaneswar., President, AORMA
537 4376 Oscsc 2013-02-28 Permission to engage accountants on outsourcing for assisting in submission of bills to FCI Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
538 4440 Oscsc 2013-02-28 Delivery of CMR to FCI by custom millers for KMS: 2011-12 and participation in paddy procurement operations in KMS: 2012-13. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, of concerned districts.
539 4303 Fscw 2013-02-22 Study on fixation of Normative Milling Charges for Raw and Parboiled rice in various states. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. President, AORMA
540 3636 Fscw 2013-02-12 Enhancement of target from 30 lakhs MT to 35 lakhs MT in terms of rice for KMS 2012-13. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors & C.S.O.s.
541 2056 Oscsc 2013-01-31 Clarification on payment of Mandi Handling charges / loading charges for KMS 2011-12. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
542 1482 Fscw 2013-01-21 Provisional Rates of Custom Milled Rice (CMR) for KMS 2012-13. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. GM, FCI ; MD, Oscsc ; Markfed, Nafed, Tdccl, Bhubaneswar.
543 1119 Oscsc 2013-01-16 Delivery of CMR to FCI by millers of other Dist - Submission of Bill to FCI. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, of concerned districts.
544 1127 Oscsc 2013-01-16 Opening of own PPCs of Oscsc Ltd in Boudh District. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. Collector, Boudh.
545 994 Oscsc 2013-01-15 Observation of QC Cell of GOI on lack of infrastructure during inspection of Paddy Mandi in Bargarh Dist. General Manager (Proc), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. General Manager, OSAM Board, Bhubaneswar
546 726 Fscw 2013-01-11 Procurement of Bora Paddy from Athagarh Sub-Division area of Cuttack Dist. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha Collector, Cuttack.
547 413 Oscsc 2013-01-05 Delivery of balance CMR of KMS 2011-12 at RRC, RRC-cum-DSC by Custom Millers. General Manager (Proc), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers.
548 Proc.5(2)/CMR FCI 2012-12-26 Provisional payment of cost of CMR till receipt of Cost Sheet from Govt.of India. General Manager(O), FCI, Bhubaneswar. All Area Managers of FCI.
549 20151 Fscw 2012-12-22 Procurement Price of Levy Rice during KMS 2012-13. Addl. Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors & C.S.O.s.
550 23638 Oscsc 2012-12-21 Release of Holding Charges for KMS 2009-10 In Kalahandi District. F.A. & C.A.O., Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. CSO-cum-District Manager, Oscsc Ltd, Kalahandi.
551 23552 Oscsc 2012-12-20 Supply of New Gunnies for KMS 2012-13 by Custom Millers to meet immediate requirement. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar All CSO-cum-District Mangers, Oscsc Ltd.
552 23554 Oscsc 2012-12-20 Delivery of 20% CMR at FCI Depots in KMS 2012-13 by 14 Districts like Bolangir, Boudh, Cuttack etc. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar CSO-cum-Dist.Managers of Bolangir, Boudh, Cuttack etc.
553 23544 Oscsc 2012-12-20 Delivery of 50% CMR at FCI Depots in KMS 2012-13 by 11 Districts like Balasore, Bargarh, Bhadrak etc. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar CSO-cum-Dist.Managers of Balasore, Bargarh, Bhadrak etc.
554 23243 Oscsc 2012-12-18 Insurance of Oscsc stocks with Millers and request for Scientific and Safe storage by millers. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. President, AORMA
555 23038_1 Oscsc 2012-12-17 Monthly allotment and Lifting Plan for allotment month of January,2013. General Manager (PDS), Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-Dist. Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
556 20504 Oscsc 2012-11-06 Draft Agreement with Custom Millers for KMS 2012-13 by Oscsc. Managing Director, Oscsc Ltd, Bhubaneswar. All CSO-cum-District Managers, Oscsc Ltd.
557 17432 Fscw 2012-11-06 Grant of Enforcement/ Delivery Certificate in KMS 2012-13. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.
558 16752 Fscw 2012-10-19 Changes in m-Gov. Application for collecting information on Rice Delivery for KMS 2012-13. Commissioner-cum-Secretary, FS&CW Dept, Odisha. All Collectors.